The Balanced Body Fall 2023 Edition
Hello, AMTA-PA members!
We have some exciting news to share with you. We have been operating since last year with a vacant position within the AMTA-PA Chapter Board. This has been a struggle for the existing board members to continue to offer you all the quality services that the Chapter has been known to provide to you. The board has shuffled our board members and appointed another board member to give you the full power of a fully staffed Chapter Board! Your AMTA-PA Chapter Board is comprised of the following members:
President: Terry Williams
Financial Administrator: Lara Hess
Secretary: Dave Briggs
Board Member: Pam Kennedy
Board Member: Tanya Seiler
This is the Board who will prepare your upcoming annual meeting and is available to support you in your career adventures. Thank you for your support, and for giving our profession the reputation that it deserves.
President’s Letter
Dear Members,
It is my hope that this letter finds you all well and thriving in your professional lives. This letter is one of my first official duties as your new AMTA Chapter President. I have been a volunteer for 6 years. I have served as Financial Administrator, Chapter Board Member, as well as Technology Chair. Like you, I am a practicing MT since 2017. I am truly excited to be a part of this chapter and I feel there are lots of positive things happening. We have been working on the 2024 Annual Conference and Meeting, which is scheduled for March 22-24, 2024. We are expanding our educational offerings, and we will have more space so we can accommodate more members. So, stay tuned More coming soon. We are also working on several other regional training classes next year, including several 16 CE classes and Child Abuse Recognition and Reporting classes.
I look forward to seeing you at one of our events soon.
All The Best
Terry Williams
What’s Happening at the State Board?
Hello everyone,
This is Camille Baughman, and I am the Government Relations chair for our chapter. My job is to update you on what is happening in our state from a legislative standpoint and how it affects our profession.
But first a bit of background and a shout out to how the process works.
I had the honor of serving on the Pennsylvania State Massage Therapy Professional Licensing Board from 6/3/2013 to 4/7/2021. I had no idea what was involved with this responsibility, and I am grateful for the opportunity to learn about the ins and outs of a regulatory board.
- A regulatory board is very different from an association board.
- The AMTA national and state level boards work for the membership. YOU!! AMTA is very proactive in offering discounted quality continuing education, liability insurance and opportunities to network as well as many other benefits I’m sure you know about.
- A regulatory board on the other hand works for the public and their main job is to protect the public and to offer regulations to guide professions to that end.
It is a slow rolling process that is layered by many state departments and bureaus with alphabet abbreviations that make my head spin. Given all the bureaucracy and layers of eyes that look at what goes on, I have great respect for the commitment and hard work the staff, attorneys, prosecutors, and board members put into guaranteeing the massage profession in Pennsylvania is held to the highest standard.
In some situations, the hard decisions that must be made are not popular with the licensees.
- Are they done with forethought and discussion?
- Are they slow in coming to fruition?
- Are decisions made and then when new information is presented re-evaluated?
- The answer to those questions is a resounding yes.
I am telling you all this to help you understand the process involved in regulating our professional industry. Our industry is changing because of many factors and our board is adapting to those changes as are we, the therapists in the field.
There are two issues currently being discussed that could impact the massage licensees in Pennsylvania.
- House Bill 1241, An Act providing for the licensure of bodywork facilities.
- I encourage you to google PA House Bill HB1241 to read the text and write your representatives with any concerns you may have.
- It does make a difference when you express your opinion, and they take the feedback into consideration.
- If you do have concerns and input about the bill, I would appreciate it if you would send me an email as well, . James Specker National AMTA Legislative director, Natalie Cook our PA AMTA lobbyist and I are involved in watching for any progress or changes occurring with this Bill..
As I mentioned in our prior newsletter, when the Massage Board was formed, the Massage Board borrowed money to fund necessary startup costs. This is a common practice at the state level when a new board begins to function.
- This money came from the Professional Licensure Administrative Account (PLAA).
- Current policy dictates that we pay that money back however there is ongoing discussion with the department of State around that loan repayment policy.
- There is also discussion about a fee increase for our bi-annual renewal period 2025/2027, however discussion is still ongoing. At this point I can’t say what the increase will be, but I’m almost certain there will be one.
- I plan to start saving a few dollars weekly in my PA License Renewal envelope so any increase that occurs will be less painful.
I hope you find this information helpful and:
- I encourage you to become involved in your profession.
- Attend a state massage therapy board meeting either in person or virtually.
- Volunteer with your state AMTA Chapter
- Attend the 2024 PA State AMTA Chapter Conference at the Hershey Convention Center 3/22 and 3/23 2024
- I believe that knowledge is power and the more involved you are with what is happening in the profession and your state board, the more influence you have around decisions made that impact you and your profession in this state.
- You are your best advocate, and your voice DOES make a difference in the process.
- Always feel free to reach out to me if you have legislative questions.
Save The Dates:
Planning is well underway for our Annual Conference and Meeting for March 22-24, 2024, at the Hershey Lodge in Hershey PA. Since we are in the year prior to licensing we have a jam-packed conference taking shape. We will be featuring 3 choices for education as well as ethics. We are excited to offer Abdominal and Facial Cupping, Foundations of Cupping, and Pin and Release Techniques with Jim Earley. Forearm Fusion with Jim Funk. As well as Cross Fiber Techniques with Theresa Macy. Please see our website and Facebook page for more news and registration links. Please note that there are two different processes to register for the conference and making your hotel reservation. Looking forward to seeing your all in the spring. Event Registration Here
National Convention Highlights:
Our PA Chapter leadership recently attended the AMTA National Convention on August 24-26, 2023, in Phoenix AZ. We also attended Chapter Volunteer Orientation Program (CVOP), which preceded the conference from August 21-22, 2023. The following are some highlights from our experiences.
Financial Administrator’s Report
By Terry Williams
My time at the National Convention was exceptional this year. CVOP is an extraordinary program that allows chapter leadership from across the country to assemble and share experiences and ideas. It is so exhilarating to learn how different chapters serve their members in new and innovative ways. I am looking forward to how this will impact and improve our PA Chapter over the next year.
In addition to a successful CVOP, the same feeling was amplified when the convention started. I got to meet so many members from all 50 states. Some from previous years and some brand-new faces. Attending the national convention is energizing not only because of the classes and lectures but, it offers endless opportunities for networking and opening one’s mind to what is out there that can be brought back to one’s own practice.
Secretary’s Report
By David Briggs
Unfortunately, this year I was unable to attend CVOP, and the reports I got from my fellow Pennsylvania volunteers make me realize I missed a good one. You may ask, “Why would you keep going to CVOP?” My answer is that every year it is different. Every year they talk about different topics and have different exercises to learn new skills or improve existing ones. There are always new people every year as well. People doing the same job as us, sharing tricks and tips on how to best support the membership.
I was able to attend the convention itself, though, and it was an amazing experience. Every time I go to a convention, I am awestruck. It is so cool to see so many people on the same journey as I am, dealing with the same issues, sharing the same passion. Meeting people from all over the country and sharing experiences and information is exhilarating! When I was a “young” massage therapist, I was told that the most important experience at these conventions is networking. At first, I didn’t believe them, but it’s true! You make lifelong relationships with the neatest people, and you get excited to see them year after year. I have met the most amazing people from Ohio and Rhode Island! And I believe that the knowledge and information I have taken away from them has made me a better Secretary for your Pennsylvania Chapter Board.
Board Members Reports:
By Lara Hess
This was my first time at a national convention. I was a bit tentative and did not quite know what to expect. The beginning of the week was CVOP, which I had heard so much about. Everyone always referenced CVOP with the words “its amazing.” So, I had high expectations. I was not Disappointed! We learned so much about how to do our volunteer work in the chapter to support and enrich the members experience with the chapter. I am truly excited for what is to come for our PA Chapter.
On Thursday the convention started, and I had signed up to take a few classes which were top notch. It was hard to pick from all the choices that were offered. I chose Tailoring Massage Sessions with Ladder of Engagement Protocols by Whitney Lowe. I was eager to take his class since I had read his book and seen articles that he has written. He did a wonderful class that was so informative, and he was so approachable and down to earth. He was one of my favorite parts of the convention. I also had a blast meeting so many members from all over the U.S. We had great fun talking and trading pins, which is a custom at the convention. It was truly a wonderful adventure and very energizing.
By Pam Kennedy
It was my honor to be one of the representatives of the Pennsylvania Chapter at the annual AMTA National Convention. It was an amazing opportunity to network with Chapter leaders around the country, learn strategies for volunteer engagement, and hone my skills to best serve our Pennsylvania members in my capacity as Board Member. This year, at the 2-day Chapter Volunteer Orientation Program (CVOP), we learned best practices around roles and responsibilities of Chapter Board members and communication with AMTA National. We also had an in-depth orientation on the roles, responsibilities of the Chapter Delegates. To cap off the training, we had a wonderful half-day class on teamwork within Chapter Boards to “transform passion into action at your Chapter” through teamwork. One of the things we learned was the STAR method of teamwork and communication: Self-Care & Personal Mission, Team Synergy & Joy, Alignment with Your Organization, and Reach into the Community and the World at Large. I am grateful for the opportunity that you gave me to attend the convention to become the best I can be as one of your Board Members.
Delegates Reports
By Tanya Seiler
Greetings PA AMTA members!
I was proud to represent our state at the Assembly of Delegates (AOD) at the 2023 AMTA National Convention held in Phoenix, AZ. If you recall, there was an email sent requesting input from you regarding the Proposed Idea for Position Statement (PIP) and the Discussion Topic (DT) that was presented to the Assembly for discussion. The delegates are given 40 minutes to discuss each topic and 30 minutes to present their summary on the floor. Jessica Ferrer stood as the AODAC Moderator and Chair.
This year’s PIP included rationale and research to support a request that AMTA consider formulating a Position Statement around massage therapy and cancer treatments. The PIP was met with a unanimous vote by the delegates asking the AMTA National Board to elevate this proposal and complete the necessary research to determine if the statement will be broad or address specific types of cancer. With this vote, on behalf of the members, the AOD has asked AMTA to consider a position statement regarding the benefits of massage for our clients who are undergoing cancer treatments.
This year the DT posed the question “How might the decriminalization of sex workers and the sex workers industry impact the massage therapy profession, statutes, and licensure?” Common themes found in this discussion were protecting the term “massage”, laws protecting the welfare and safety of the public, education, and human trafficking. The liveliness of this discussion showed how passionate our AMTA members are regarding their profession and the continued need to protect and ensure its elevation. A summary of the discussion will be submitted to the National Board of Directors for review.
If you would like to submit a PIP or DT for the upcoming 2024 Assembly and need assistance or directions on how to do so, please feel free to contact one of the chapter delegates. Also, there will be an open delegate position in 2024. If you are interested in running, keep an eye out for our Call for Candidates at the beginning of the new year. There are many ways to volunteer with your PA chapter. Reach out to your board to learn how you can participate. We are all happy to serve and we look forward to talking and meeting with you.
By Heather Hart
Hello, incredible AMTA members! I’m Heather Hart, your fresh-faced Delegate from the PA Chapter. A little about me: I’ve kneaded my way through the massage realm for two glorious decades. But hold onto your hot stones – after my first whirlwind adventure at the AMTA shindig in Cleveland, OH, last year, I realized it was time to put my thinking cap on straight and join the inspiration party. Last year’s convention was like an hors d’oeuvre; this year’s convention, I feasted like a champ. I plunged into the AMTA universe, grasping how we members can shake things up, stir the pot, and cook up positive change. I’m ready to whip up a masterpiece together! 🌟
As your Delegate, and in line with these roles, learning unfolds as we go. Frankly, I had zero clue about the journey ahead. Three days before the National Convention, deep training kicks in for state volunteers – that’s us, the elected Chapter members and committee volunteers, and hey, probably a few more roles to uncover! Day one and a half is CVOP training (don’t ask me what that stands for) – a bustling room of us dives in to grasp the who-does-what on the boards. Mind-blowing stuff! The layers here, the time, the gusto required, it’s a revelation. Witnessing this horde unite with passion was mind-blowing. And then there’s this inspiring speaker, Tobi Johnson, with the enlightening Leadership training. I can’t tell you who she is, but she rocked – engaging, packed with tips on wrangling Chapter chaos. Nuggets galore! 🌟
Then came Wednesday – the Grand Day! Assembly of Delegates, the spotlight we were chosen for! Before that, lots of chatter and clashing views in our “HUB” – a cozy digital den for state chapter wizards to hash out stuff. Me? I sauntered in with… well, let’s say not an armful, Hehe. The vision was hazy. Funny, we Delegates hadn’t chatted much with our gang, so Tanya (our partner Delegate) fired off emails – sadly, crickets in return. Armed with open minds, roaring passion, and whispers from local pals, we dove in. Now, debates aren’t my jam, but this controlled, adult realm? Game on! Astonishingly, they ran this show like clockwork. We zoomed through – “Massage and Cancer Treatments” and chewed over “Decriminalizing Sex Work & Its Massage Impact.” Mind blown; boxes ticked. My heart races, soul lights up, urging me deeper into this pro world. It’s tempting to ostrich-head it (trust me, 20-year expert here), but I’m jazzed for the ride, serving you to uplift our tribe. Pumped for this! 🚀
Calendar Of Events
March 22-24, 2024, Annual Conference and Meeting, Hershey Lodge, Hershey PA.
How To Reach Us
Phone: (570) 507-5720
You can also find us on Facebook.